So this is me:
Newly minted Internal Medicine doc - ready to take on diabetes, the uninsured - and by extension, the world. I've happily signed over the next few years of my life to in order to practice as a hospitalist at a tertiary care, level one trauma center academic hospital. I see a lot of broke, chronically ill people with no durable access to health care.

This is also me:
One of the newest members of the Savannah Derby Devils, Trauma Protocol. I spend hours each week skating, taking full body hits from women with names like "Violet Seizure" or "Beat-a-trick Kiddo" and working on the skills to make it to the next roster. I see a lot of bruises.
I understand the cognitive dissonance, I had it myself at the beginning.
I also had the "resident 15": weight gained from a high stress, low-sleep, only food available in the hospital are carbs lifestyle and no real motivation to exercise when I got home at 7 pm. Roller Derby boot camp was my savior.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world. But it can be frustrating, with discharge instructions such as "In order to prevent asthma attacks, please avoid smoking crack" and explaining to people that if they just cut down to half a pack a day, they'd have enough money to buy insulin every month.
So now my hobby is to hit people, as hard as I can - and usually get a high five from them for it afterward. It's time-effective stress relief that keeps me in shape despite the free cookies in the Doctor's lounge.
I won't profess to be very skilled at either of these things yet - I don't have the years of wisdom and experience that I see in my peers and hope to achieve someday. But it wouldn't be nearly as fun to read that person's blog. This is going to be the stumbling mis-steps, the excitement of overcoming barriers and knowing that the next patient, or the next practice may teach me something I didn't know before.
What I already know is the maximum daily safe dose of ibuprofen and the symptoms of Acute Renal Failure due to NSAID induced interstitial nephritis. Being a roller girl/medicine doc does have its perks on occasion.
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